Siddarth Pai

Founding Partner, 3one4 Capital

Healthtech Newsletter

“Technology has gone from being a vertical feature to horizontal infrastructure that supports every facet of business. Companies that fail to adopt technology into their business will find themselves outmatched by their peers who have adopted tech. In healthcare especially technology plays an outsized role in discovery diagnosis and delivery and has proven itself in improving patient outcomes and increasing efficacy of overburdened healthcare infrastructure. There are almost no aspects of healthcare that technology cannot augment and any companies who are yet to adopt technology wont be able to compete in the new age.In the short-term health-tech will focus on consolidating the gains they have seen through COVID-19 and augmenting existing frameworks for reducing the physical touchpoints in the patient-doctor journey. Mitigating disease proliferation for metabolic diseases leveraging smart wearables for continuous monitoring and creating hospital level tech for home-use will drive the immediate healthtech innovation. Healthcare E-commerce has peaked in the current model with existing players concentrating on greater specialisations incorporating diagnostics into their offerings and integrating deeply into the healthcare ecosystem.In the long-term investments into new drug discovery platforms and means of diagnosing novel diseases and crunching the vaccinemedicine timelines from discovery to delivery will attract large billions of dollars in grants and investments.“

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